65. Clockwork for Product Bosses with author Mike Michalowicz

Published: Dec. 20, 2018, 1 p.m.


Mike Michalowicz is the entrepreneur behind three multimillion dollar companies, is a key note speaker, and the author of what we call the entrepreneur\'s financial bible\\xa0Profit First, along with\\xa0Surge,\\xa0The Pumpkin Plan,\\xa0The\\xa0Toilet\\xa0Paper\\xa0Entrepreneur,\\xa0and now his newest book Clockwork!

Jacqueline and Minna chat with Mike about his new book Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself and the four D\'s of running your business like clockwork, along with the QBR (queen B role) and his past experience in the product business world.

Connect with Mike:

Mike Michalowicz website

Mike Michalowicz Instagram

The Profit First Podcast

Watch the YouTube recording of this video. Note: the YouTube video is explicit and not edited.\\xa0https://youtu.be/NEF4MHgU7ME

Links mentioned:


The Goal by\\xa0Eliyahu M. Goldratt


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Minna\'s company Lil\' Labels

Jacqueline\'s company Designer Consulting Co-Op

