575. The Magic Formula to Standing Out in a Crowded Market

Published: April 8, 2024, 9:30 a.m.


In today\\u2019s world, we are inundated with so much media and more information than we can typically handle! Plus, with the way the economy is and inflation, customers are not spending as much as they used to spend, especially with small businesses. So what can you do to position your brand in a way that deeply resonates with your ideal customer? 

Today I\\u2019m going to teach you the magic formula to standing out in a crowded market, and it all comes down to: product positioning. AKA carving out a unique space in your customer\\u2019s mind where your product is not just seen, but sought after.

You don\\u2019t need to reinvent the wheel, but you can redesign it in an authentic, and impactful way that resonates with your target episode. Tune in now to learn how!


  • Follow The Product Boss on Instagram @TheProductBoss
  • Grab the Ultimate Checklist for Building Your Dream Product-Based Business:  TheProductBoss.com/dream
  • Join our brand new program, \\u2018Stand Out Society,\\u2019 an 8-week program for product businesses looking to breakthrough to get more customers and stand out in a crowded market. Stand Out Society is open to anyone who sells products- whether you\\u2019re just starting out or have been doing it for years. We\\u2019ll cover what your business needs foundationally to get your product in front of your target audience. If you want to be taught live, in a group setting, become a founding member of Stand Out Society today.


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