570. "My brand is exploding! How do I keep up? | Coaching Session

Published: March 21, 2024, 9:30 a.m.


Fresh from Shark Tank, Inner Circle Masterminder Aleah Montague joins the show today for a coaching session. Her business, \\u201cMeat the Mushroom,\\u201d is taking off. How can she keep up with skyrocketing demand, while sustainably scaling up? Tune in to find out.

First, we talk about the emotional and mindset aspect. When you start to see an increased demand and your sales start to increase so quickly, while it\\u2019s definitely a time for celebration, there\\u2019s also plenty of worry, stress, and the unknown. The stakes have suddenly become much higher and there are a lot of super important decisions that need to be made- and fast. It\\u2019s natural to feel overwhelmed. That\\u2019s why I\\u2019m so glad Aleah is in our Mastermind so we can surround her with advice and support.

Then we dive into the nitty-gritty. We spend a lot of time mapping out an org chart and defining and naming roles. The best part about being a product boss is that you get to create your own role based on what you are good at and what you like to do- your \\u201czone of genius.\\u201d 

As a coach, it\\u2019s so rewarding to see the success and support a Masterminder who has hit a new level in their business. Join me in celebrating Aleah and Meat the Mushroom while discovering what you can learn from her growth and what to do to prepare for when your big day comes!


  • Learn more about Aleah\\u2019s business and buy some SHROOMACON: MeatTheMushroom.com 
  • Follow Aleah\\u2019s business on Instagram: @MeatTheMushroom
  • If you\\u2019ve hit the six-figure or multiple six to seven figure mark in your product-based business, I invite you to apply to my Inner Circle Mastermind. Not only will you be able to work closely with me, you\\u2019ll get input and support from other business owners who know exactly the challenges you face. We have a handful of spots open for the spring cohort so submit your application to the Inner Circle Mastermind today.
  • Struggling to create content for your business? Don\\u2019t know what to say or how to even make time to say it? We\\u2019ve got what you need: Sign up now for A Year of Content. We\\u2019re going to teach you how to make awesome content that brings in new customers and yes, is even fun to create. Sign up today and get our A Year of Content training package valued at $829 for only $37!


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