569. Should You Stay in a Plateau or Push for More Growth?

Published: March 18, 2024, 9:30 a.m.


Plateaus in product-based business can be good or bad, depending on different factors. In this episode, we talk about why it\'s important to do an honest assessment of your business to figure out if you\\u2019re in a much-needed plateau or if you should be pushing for more growth immediately.

Not every year is meant to have massive quantum leaps in growth\\u2013 no matter how much we\\u2019d love if that was the case! Some years are meant for stabilization. After all, the foundation of your product-business can actually crack and start to fail if you grow too quickly in a short period of time. Sometimes you need to shift from growth mode to maintenance mode and re-assessing your systems and operations to ensure your business is ready to successfully grow to that next level.

Tune into this episode to learn how to figure out the difference between good plateaus vs. bad plateaus. Understanding them can make all the difference in achieving the lifestyle you\\u2019ve envisioned for yourself and taking your business to that next revenue level!


  • If you\\u2019ve hit the six-figure or multiple six to seven figure mark in your product-based business, I invite you to apply to my Inner Circle Mastermind. Not only will you be able to work closely with me, you\\u2019ll get input and support from other business owners who know exactly the challenges you face. We have a handful of spots open for the spring cohort so submit your application to the Inner Circle Mastermind today.
  • Struggling to create content for your business? Don\\u2019t know what to say or how to even make time to say it? We\\u2019ve got what you need: Sign up now for A Year of Content. We\\u2019re going to teach you how to make awesome content that brings in new customers and yes, is even fun to create. Sign up today and get our A Year of Content training package valued at $829 for only $37!


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