550. My product sells great in person but I cant be everywhere. How do I scale? | Coaching Session

Published: Jan. 11, 2024, 9:30 a.m.


Welcome, Product Bosses! In today\'s episode, we\'re thrilled to bring you an exclusive coaching call with Elaine from Unzicker Design. Elaine\'s product is nothing short of spectacular \\u2013 unique, unexpected, and incredibly cool. It\'s a showstopper in person, but its niche nature poses challenges in targeted discovery.

Elaine\'s journey in the business world spans an impressive 30 years, marked by success and artistic flair. However, like many creative endeavors, her sales have been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. That\'s why we\'re diving deep into strategies for achieving consistent, predictable income, especially when most sales are in-person.

We\'ll explore ways to amplify Elaine\'s unique product in the digital realm, ensuring it captures attention just as it does in person. From online marketing tips to leveraging social media, we\'re covering all bases to help Elaine - and you, our listeners - find a path to steady success in niche markets.

So, let\'s embark on this journey together and discover how to turn niche products into consistent revenue streams. Tune in and get ready to be inspired by Elaine\'s story and our actionable insights!


  • Support Elaine\\u2019s business at unzickerdesign.com
  • Follow Elaine\\u2019s business on Instagram: @theunzicker
  • Consistent content is key to getting more people to see and buy your products. If you want to create great content but you don\\u2019t know what to say, or you feel too busy, or you just don\\u2019t want to be the face of your brand, no worries \\u2013 because we\\u2019ve got you covered with a year\\u2019s worth of consistent content that\\u2019s sure to resonate with your audience! If you want to see how easy this can be, visit A Year of Content.


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