513. Don't Be Embarrassed For What You Want and Who You Are

Published: Oct. 2, 2023, 9:30 a.m.


It\\u2019s time for a deep and heartfelt reflection, Bosses! We\\u2019ve been contemplating our journeys, our identities, and our ambitions. From childhood dreams to the realization of becoming financially independent and creative entrepreneurs, we\\u2019ve come a long way. Join us as we take a moment to feel gratitude for how far we\\u2019ve come \\u2014 and to shake off any shame we feel from those who just don\\u2019t get it.

We\\u2019re delving into the essence of owning our desires and identities, breaking free from embarrassment and embracing our true selves. This episode is a celebration of our global community, of supporting and uplifting each other, of education and empowerment. We\\u2019re diving deep into what we see versus what we want for ourselves, confronting the media\\u2019s portrayal of women, and challenging what we\\u2019re told.

It\\u2019s time to stop being embarrassed for what you want and who you are. It\\u2019s a journey of self-discovery, a story of obstacles, and a testament to our strength. Tune in as we discuss the importance of this topic, especially for women in business, and share our stories and insights on how to embrace our desires and own our identities. Remember, it\\u2019s all about being unapologetically you!


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