493. Just Jacq: The Problem with This Etsy Coaching Advice

Published: July 24, 2023, 9:30 a.m.


Welcome to another Just Jacq episode! It\'s time to address the elephant in the room\\u2014Etsy coaches. I know, you may be thinking \\u201cWhat\'s the problem with Etsy coaches?\\u201d Well, here\\u2019s the thing: The strategies that they\'re recommending might work for Etsy, but may not necessarily align with your unique business needs.

We\'ll delve deep into this topic, giving you a fresh perspective on how to evaluate advice and apply it intelligently to your specific business context by taking real examples from our experiences with our Multi-Stream Machine students.

One of the many reasons why we occasionally offer one-on-one sessions is our deep desire to understand you better\\u2014where you are on your product business journey, what hurdles you\'re facing, and what you\'re grappling with. This is a two-way street\\u2014we love coaching and connecting with you, our amazing community of product-based business owners, while we help you navigate, fine-tune, and grow your business.

So let\\u2019s explore the complex world of Etsy coaching and help you distinguish the wheat from the chaff. After all, it\'s about what makes sense for your business, not just Etsy.


  • Want a guide to over 308 business tools and resources to help you effectively run your product-based business? Slide into our Instagram DMs and message us \\u201cguide\\u201d or Visit theproductboss.com/resourceguide to get this FREE download today!


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