488. Just Jacq Q&A - Staying Small & Pricing Your Time

Published: July 6, 2023, 9:30 a.m.


Welcome back to another \\u201cJust Jacq\\u201d episode of The Product Boss Podcast! We\'re thrilled to have you here with us today. We\'ve been receiving some incredible "ask us anything" questions, and we can\'t wait to dive into them and share our insights with all of you.

The first question we\'ll be addressing is: "How do you effectively add time into pricing? How do I pay myself?" It\'s an important aspect of running a business, and we understand the challenges it can present. We\'ll explore different strategies and approaches to help you determine how to appropriately account for your time and ensure you\'re paying yourself what you deserve.

The second question we\'ll be discussing is: "What are your thoughts about staying a small business on purpose? What if your business is just a job you created for yourself? Is there a number attached to it?" These questions touch on the idea of intentionally choosing to remain a small business and finding fulfillment in that choice. We\'ll delve into the concept of purposefully embracing the size and scope of your business and how you can measure success beyond just financial metrics.

Remember, if you want to ask us anything or have your questions answered on the show, make sure to follow us @TheProductBoss or @thejacquelinesnyder. And if you\'re part of Multi-Stream Machine, keep an eye out for opportunities to ask us questions during our live podcast recordings.



Mentioned in this episode:

The Side Hustle Pro Podcast

Listen to The Side Hustle Pro Podcast, hosted by Nicaila Matthews Okome

The Side Hustle Pro Podcast


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