424. Leaving a Legacy-ish: An interview with our kids

Published: Nov. 24, 2022, 9:30 a.m.


Happy Thanksgiving! We are so incredibly grateful for you, our listeners, which is why we are excited to share this very special episode with you!

Building a business isn\\u2019t easy, and your \\u201cwhy\\u201d has to be bigger than yourself and just making money. Many Product Bosses out there are building a business to create a legacy for their children. That\\u2019s why, for this special episode of the podcast, we\\u2019re interviewing some guests near and dear to our hearts: Our own kids!

Oftentimes, we can lose sight of how involved our kids are in our businesses. This was a fun opportunity to teach them a bit more about what we do, find out what they think we do, explain why we do what we do and share what we are thankful for! For you, we hope this acts as a fun, inspiring, and motivational chat to help you reflect on what you want your business legacy to be.

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