25. [On-Air Coaching Call] Pivoting to Product Sales with In Pursuit of College Board Game

Published: May 3, 2018, 2 p.m.


The flip side: Are you a service-based business that is lost in the product world? In this episode we coach Pam Andrews of Scholarship Shark on making MORE SALES for her new board game: In Pursuit of College. You\'ll love the sheer amount of ideas we give her in this episode to creatively sell and target her ideal market and leverage her warm leads.

Connect with Pam:

Pam\'s website

Pam\'s podcast

Buy her board game: In Pursuit of College

Pam\'s Facebook

Pam\'s Twitter

Buy her books Scholarship Shark and Scholarship Search Secrets here on Amazon.


Links mentioned:

Manufacturing Your Big Idea episode

Packaging Your Start-Up episode

Biz Chix Live


This episode was brought to by\\xa0Subscription Boss, our special series with Cratejoy, where we combine our product-based expertise with Cratejoy\'s mega visibility to help turn you into a successful subscription box biz owner with reoccurring revenue and more sales. Get more info at: www.theproductboss.com/cratejoy
