132. [LIVE Podcast Recording] 3 C's of Content Everyone Should Have - Dallas Market Speaking Event

Published: Jan. 16, 2020, 2 p.m.

b'Recorded LIVE from Dallas Market.\\xa0 \\xa0 The truth is: today\'s consumer demands valuable content and this has made us all into content creators: brands, boutique owners, buyers, retailers, etc. They want to hear more than just "buy from us" or \\u201chere is a sale\\u201d. The 3 C\'s of Content are pillars that every person (or store) selling physical products should be doing to create content that engages and connects with their customer - and gets them to want\\xa0to buy. When it comes to content, this is what you should be putting in front of your customer, like three legs on a stool, you need all of them. \\xa0

Need help implementing? We have \\u201cA Year of Content\\u201d course for you and it helps you take the 3 C\\u2019s and gives you 200+ prompts, brainstorm sheets and shows you how to create a plan of action. Go here for this special offer: www.ayearofcontent.com.
