Gary Vaynerchuk: The Story Behind Our Story - Self Awareness & Growth After Failure

Published: June 1, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'Fans of #thePOZcast, this is one you have all been waiting for!\\xa0\\n\\nGary Vaynerchuk is the CEO of VaynerMedia, five-time New York Times best-selling author, and one of the most defining personalities in the world of entrepreneurship of our time. Gary also happens to hold the spot as one of the most significant catalysts in host Adam Posner\\u2019s life.\\xa0 Who, after he was fired from Vayner, led him in the direction of Recruiting and eventually founding NHP Talent and #thePOZcast. \\n\\nThis was a special, full-circle episode for the host Adam, and he hopes that those of you that have been fired in the past or have fallen on hard times can take Gary\\u2019s words and my progress since my days at Vayner 6 years ago\\xa0 to heart and use it as a motivation to harness your own inner tenacity to drive your life and career forward. \\n\\nThanks Gary!\\n\\nThis Episode\\u2019s Heavy-Hitter\\u2019s:\\n\\n- Gary\'s POV on how others can find their own self-awareness.\\n- Failure is not finite, especially in your career. \\n- Gary \\u201cdoes not play the Glassdoor game.\\u201d especially around DEI&B and shares Vayner\'s progress\\n- Gary on tough decisions with his staffing: \\u201cI\\u2019m incredibly canderous as a public figure, but as an operator, delivering bad news to somebody\\u2019s face that I like\\u2026 yeah, destroys me. It\\u2019s led to some of the weakest moments in my career of avoidance and having someone else do it.\\u201d\\n- Being present with your family and loved ones outside of "work mode" is incredibly difficult. The only thing that makes it better over time is practice, practice, practice.\\n- On managing anxiety: \\u201cWhether it\\u2019s your parents, older brother\\u2026 you\\u2019ve gotta understand that until you feel like you\\u2019re 100% in control of your life\\u2026 you will always be vulnerable to anxiety.\\u201d\\n- Gary\'s greatest piece of advice ever received from his dad around honesty. \\n- Gary Vee\'s North Star, find out by tuning in!\\n\\nIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review/rating:\\xa0\\n\\n#thePOZcast\\xa0 is brought to you by our friends at Interseller \\u2013 the prospecting + outreach platform of recruiters and sellers. Whether you\\u2019re doubling down on business development or recruiting talent, Interseller does all the heavy lifting of finding contact data, automating the email and follow-up process, and syncs all that rich data into 20+ CRMs and ATSs. Reach out and get going in a 2-week *free* trial today and let them know you heard about them from Adam on #thePOZcast.\\n\\nCheck out a free demo today!\\n\\nFor more amazing shows, check out'