Bracken Darrell: A lifetime of Wisdom from the CEO @ Logitech

Published: Nov. 26, 2021, midnight

b"Bracken Darrell is the CEO of Logitech, a world leader in new and innovative products that connect people via digital experiences. Bracken joined Logitech in 2012 and has helped completely revitalize the brand that once created PC accessories. \\n\\nNow, Logitech makes products that enhance our ability to connect over multiple digital platforms. Bracken has had a ton of experience leading at landmark companies like Procter and Gamble, General Electric, Whirlpool, Braun, and more. Each unique experience with different brands in different markets has made him an expert in running and growing world-class brands.\\n\\nThis Episode\\u2019s Heavy-hitters:\\n\\nBracken\\u2019s time working with Braun in Germany internationally taught him about the importance of actively incorporating multicultural people into team meetings. Since those people are more likely to be introverted due to cultural or language barriers, it\\u2019s important to seek out their input and be receptive to their communication styles as well.\\n\\nBracken\\u2019s advice to a brand manager: take big chances. He explains that he\\u2019s had failures at every level, but that small changes often don\\u2019t work, and there are ways to manage risk at higher levels that pay off much greater when successful.\\n\\nAnother big-risk example in a different setting Bracken took was during the pandemic. As Logitech has shifted its mission to create products that help enhance the work from home experience\\u2013 they doubled down and bought more inventory which led to substantial growth for the company.\\n\\nBracken talks about the George Floyd tragedy and how it made him realize the depth of the problem in our country. He likens it to a version of American Apartheid and discusses the effects and change he\\u2019s worked to make.\\n\\nRecently Bracken has gotten on the board of Life Biosciences which is working on treatments for age-related diseases. He talks about how he\\u2019s always had a passion for helping people and how this fits into his vision for that and the future in general.\\n\\n\\nCEOs like Bracken don't magically wake up with a staff full of people ready to execute their vision, and nowadays, it's harder than ever to find decent staff without it taking months. That\\u2019s where Hirect comes in. Hirect is the first chat-based hiring app that lets hiring managers and recruiters chat directly with job-seekers. Just download the app, and enjoy curated recommendations that fit your job description to a T. It\\u2019s 10x faster than any other hiring process on the market, and the best part? It\\u2019s totally free! \\nDownload Hirect today, available in all app stores in the US.\\n\\nPlease check out our latest sponsor, Hirect! \\n\\nIf you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review: \\n\\nFor more, please visit thanks for listening!"