BEST OF #thePOZcast: Look back at E1: Quentin "Q" Allums

Published: Feb. 19, 2022, midnight

b'BEST OF #thePOZcast: Episode 1. \\n\\nTo celebrate the 3 year anniversary of my show, let\'s take it back to the very first episode of the POZ Cast! Adam & Q Connect the online, offline. Here is a look into a raw first-time networking conversation. \\n\\nWhat I love most about listening back is seeing how far I have come. And, how I predicted the type of show I wanted to build, the guests and stories I wanted to share and the journey that I envisioned ahead of me. \\n\\nPlease enjoy and don\'t laugh too much at how many times I say "riiiiiiight""?\\n\\nI appreciate EVERY ONE OF YOU who have listened to even one episode. It means the world. To check out all almost 200 episodes, please check out Thanks!'