The Meaning of Samhain / The Witch's New Year

Published: Oct. 26, 2021, 9 p.m.


Hello and welcome to episode 42 of the Talk Witchcraft podcast! Mystic Sisters Maggie and Erica are talking about the history and traditions of Samhain (SOW-win).

"Samhain is what many people in the modern world have come to call Halloween, and while the way most people celebrate Halloween comes from traditions that originated with Samhain, Samhain is much more meaningful to the witches and pagans who celebrate it than the commercialized Halloween celebration. Halloween could be considered half of the overall celebration of Samhain."

Tune in to hear about the Wheel of the Year, the stories and lore surrounding Samhain traditions, and some ideas for celebrating this wonderful holiday.

Please screenshot your phone when you listen to this episode and share it on Instagram with #talkwitchcraft and tag me @mumbleandthings and let us know what you think. :)

