How to Make the Most of Virgo Season

Published: Aug. 24, 2021, 4 a.m.


Hello and welcome to episode 33 of the Talk Witchcraft podcast! Mystic Sisters Maggie and Erica are talking about how to make the most of Virgo Season.

"Virgo energy is methodical, analytical and keen. The sign of routine, Virgo is organized. It takes information and brings order to chaos. This energy will help you accomplish your goals, grounded in Earth energy and taking the logical next step."

Tune in to hear about five things you can do during Virgo Season: take inventory of your life, give your time and energy to serving others, find a healthy routine, let go of perfectionism, and organize your life. You\\u2019ll also learn how to use Lavender as a medicinal and magical herb.

Please screenshot your phone when you listen to this episode and share it on Instagram with #talkwitchcraft and tag me @mumbleandthings and let us know what you think. :)

