How to Make the Most of Capricorn Season

Published: Dec. 21, 2021, 5 a.m.

b' Hello and welcome to episode 51 of the Talk Witchcraft podcast! Mystic Sisters Maggie and Erica are talking about how to make the most of Capricorn season.

"Overall, the Capricorn energy is ambitious, with aspirations to reach the very top. The energy is characterized by careful plans and tireless effort. Capricorn proceeds at a regular pace with determination and tenacity. Once a goal is achieved, Capricorn looks for the next mountain to climb."

Tune in to learn about five ways to make the most of Capricorn Season: make plans for the future, be ambitious and strategic with your dreams, allow yourself to be warm and show kindness, let go of control and perfectionism, and establish new traditions and rituals.

Please screenshot your phone when you listen to this episode and share it on Instagram with #talkwitchcraft and tag me @mumbleandthings and let us know what you think. :)

