The Gregory Circle by Murray Leinster - Murray Leinster Short Stories

Published: Nov. 4, 2023, 2:15 a.m.


Trying to connect hillbilly Bud Gregory with the atomic dust destroying America was like joining simple math and nuclear physics, but Dr. Murfree found the answer! The Gregory Circle by Murray Leinster, that\\u2019s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, with at least one lost vintage sci-fi short story in every episode.

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We are thankful for all our listeners, and we love to hear from you. We received this comment on YouTube, \\u201cHi there, my name is Bernhard. I live in Amsterdam. From my youth I am crazy about scifi. Every night before I go to sleep, switch the pc on, listen to your great voice, and fantastic stories. Thanks a lot, keep it coming! Bless you!\\u201d Thank you, Bernhard, for listening to us and for your comment.


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Sometimes an author likes a character he or she creates so much that they continue to use them in story after story. Such is the case with Murray Leinster\\u2019s use of the fictional character Bud Gregory, who appeared 3 times in Thrilling Wonder Stories Magazine in 1947 and again in 1948.


From the April 1947 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories Magazine let\\u2019s turn to page 50 for The Gregory Circle by Murray Leinster\\u2026


Next week on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Carthule was not the Earthman\'s god, but Carthule protected him while he was a guest in the temple\\u2014even if he tore the temple down! The Guest Rites by Robert Silverberg. That\\u2019s next week on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

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