Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard - Science Fiction Audiobook Short Story

Published: Oct. 2, 2023, 5 a.m.


The computer classified it "rabbit" and Montresig was not one to argue, long ears or not! Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard, that\\u2019s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, with at least one lost vintage sci-fi short story in every episode.


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Two days ago, we heard from Isaac Asimov, yesterday Philip K. Dick and tomorrow Robert A. Heinlein. Three very accomplished and recognized science fiction authors. Today, not so much.\\xa0


The man who wrote today\\u2019s offering only authored one story that we could find. We couldn\\u2019t find when he was born or when he died nor where he lived, until we unearthed a response he wrote to an article in Astounding Science Fiction in 1956. He wrote about \\u201croad hypnosis\\u201d and how it can cause accidents. He suggested several solutions including the use of radar to warn the driver that he is getting close to another motorist. Radar wouldn\\u2019t be used for more than 30 years in Japanese vehicles and high end cars in the US and Europe wouldn\\u2019t use radar for more than 40 years after Willard brought it up in Astounding Science Fiction Magazine.


We also learned that at the time he was a news photographer and he gave his address as, Box 262, Yalesville, Connecticut.


Two and a half years later Mr. Willard\\u2019s lone story appeared in the August 1958 issue of, If Worlds of Science Fiction Magazine. Turn to page 70 for Rabbits Have Long Ears by Lawrence F. Willard\\u2026


Tomorrow on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, The exposition was easily the biggest John Watts had ever seen, and he\\u2019d seen them all. Yet, besides its size, there was something else strange about this fair\\xad\\u2013it was just a little out of this world! The Elephant Circuit by Robert A. Heinlein. That\\u2019s tomorrow on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, with at least one lost vintage sci-fi short story in every episode.

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