Season 3, Episode 97: Antigone by Sophocles, Part 2

Published: June 29, 2021, 5 a.m.

Welcome back to the Literary Life Podcast and our series on Sophocles\u2019 Greek drama Antigone. Thomas starts out the conversation setting up the background circumstances for this play. He talks about the different roles the main characters play in relation to each other. Angelina and Cindy share some parallels they see between Sophoclean and Shakespearean characters and dialogue. They look closely at Creon\u2019s flaws and his interaction with his son, as well as his ultimate downfall.

Be sure to come back next week for our first Summer Short Story episode on \u201cHow Much Land Does a Man Need?\u201d by Leo Tolstoy.

We are excited to announce our third annual Literary Life Back to School Online Conference! This year\u2019s title is Awakening: The Pursuit of True Education, and our featured guest speaker is James Daniels. The conference will take place on August 4-7, 2021, and you can learn more and register at We also will be celebrating our 100th episode hosting a LIVE Q&A episode in our Patreon group, and you can ask questions in our facebook group with hashtag #litlife100.

Commonplace Quotes:

All true poetry can be interpreted in manifold different ways, for it has arisen from life and it returns back to life. It hits us like sunshine no matter where we are standing. For that reason a moral precept or a relevant object lesson can be readily derived from these tales; it was never their purpose to instruct, nor were they made up for that reason, but a moral grows out of them, just as good fruit develops from healthy blossoms without help from man.

Wilhelm Grimm
A Dirge

by Christina Rossetti

Why were you born when the snow was falling?\xa0
You should have come to the cuckoo\u2019s calling,\xa0
Or when grapes are green in the cluster,\xa0
Or, at least, when lithe swallows muster\xa0
For their far off flying\xa0
From summer dying.\xa0

Why did you die when the lambs were cropping?\xa0
You should have died at the apples\u2019 dropping,\xa0
When the grasshopper comes to trouble,\xa0
And the wheat-fields are sodden stubble,\xa0
And all winds go sighing\xa0
For sweet things dying.

Book List:

The Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus

The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles

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Connect with Us:

You can find Angelina and Thomas at, on Instagram @angelinastanford,\xa0and on Facebook at\xa0

Find Cindy at\, on Instagram @cindyordoamoris\xa0and on Facebook at\xa0 Check out Cindy\u2019s own Patreon page also!

Follow The Literary Life on Instagram, and jump into our private Facebook group, The Literary Life Discussion Group, and let\u2019s get the book talk going!\xa0