Episode 209: Best of Series The Literary Life of Emily Raible, Ep. 56

Published: Jan. 30, 2024, 6 a.m.

Welcome to another episode in our \u201cBest of The Literary Life\u201d podcast series. Today on The Literary Life Podcast, our hosts Angelina and Cindy chat with \u201csuperfan\u201d Emily Raible about her own literary life. Emily is a homeschool mom, an avid reader, birdwatcher, baker and probably Angelina\u2019s most loyal student. In telling the story of her reading life, Emily talks about her childhood and how she was not a reader as a young person. She shares how she finally started getting interested in reading through Janette Oke and Hardy Boys books. Then she tells about borrowing books from a local family\u2019s home library and starting to fall in love with true classics.\xa0

After getting married to an avid reader, Emily started going through her husband\u2019s own library during her long hours at home alone. Even after she became of lover of reading, Emily still didn\u2019t define herself as a real reader. Emily shares her journey to becoming a homeschooling parent, how she learned about Charlotte Mason and classical education, and her first time meeting Angelina and Cindy. They continue the conversation expanding on the feast of ideas, what it means to be a \u201creader,\u201d and how we learn and enter into the literary world throughout our lives.\xa0

If you are listening to this on the day it drops, there is still time to grab a spot for Thomas Banks and Anne Phillips\u2019 webinar on Herodotus taking place today January 30, 2024. Head over to HouseofHumaneLetters.com/webinars where you can sign up! Of course, you can also purchase the recordings to tune in after the webinar is released.

If you missed the 2020 Back to School Conference with Karen Glass, you can still purchase the recording at MorningTimeforMoms.com.

Also, our Sixth Annual Literary Life Online Conference is coming up in April 2024. The theme is \u201cDispelling the Myth of Modernity\u201d with keynote speaker Jason Baxter. You can learn more and register now at HouseofHumaneLetters.com.

Commonplace Quotes:

But the object of my school is to show how many extraordinary things even a lazy and ordinary man may see, if he can spur himself to the single activity of seeing.\xa0

G. K. Chesterton

Time can be both a threat and a friend to hope. Injustice, for example, has to be tediously dismantled, not exploded. This is often infuriating, but it is true.\xa0

Makoto Fujimura

The poet is traditionally a blind man, but the Christian poet, and story-teller as well, is like the blind man whom Christ touched, who looked then and saw men as if they were trees but walking. This is the beginning of vision, and it is an invitation to deeper and stranger visions than we shall have to learn to accept if we are to realize a truly Christian literature.

Flannery O\u2019Connor
Armies in the Fire

by Robert Louis Stevenson

The lamps now glitter down the street;
Faintly sound the falling feet;
And the blue even slowly falls
About the garden trees and walls.

Now in the falling of the gloom
The red fire paints the empty room:
And warmly on the roof it looks,
And flickers on the back of books.

Armies march by tower and spire
Of cities blazing, in the fire;\u2014
Till as I gaze with staring eyes,
The armies fall, the lustre dies.

Then once again the glow returns;
Again the phantom city burns;
And down the red-hot valley, lo!
The phantom armies marching go!

Blinking embers, tell me true
Where are those armies marching to,
And what the burning city is
That crumbles in your furnaces!

Book List:

Tremendous Trifles\xa0by G. K. Chesterton

Culture Care\xa0by Makoto Fujimura

Rascal\xa0by Sterling North

Anne of Green Gables\xa0by L. M. Montgomery

Little Women\xa0by Louisa May Alcott

Poppy Ott\xa0by Leo Edwards

Midsummer Night\u2019s Dream\xa0by William Shakespeare

The Once and Future King\xa0by T. H. White

The Lord of the Rings\xa0by J. R. R. Tolkein

The Eye of the World\xa0by Robert Jordan

Agatha Christie

James Patterson

Tom Clancy

Harry Potter series

Pride and Prejudice\xa0by Jane Austen

Mansfield Park\xa0by Jane Austen

Howards End\xa0by E. M. Forster

The Divine Comedy\xa0by Dante (trans. by Dorothy Sayers)

Illiad and Odyssey\xa0by Homer

Dorothy L. Sayers

The Great Gatsby\xa0by F. Scott Fitzgerald

A Room of One\u2019s Own\xa0by Virginia Woolf

Why Should Businessmen Read Great Literature?\xa0by Vigen Guroian

The Scarlet Pimpernel\xa0by Baroness Orczy

Arabian Nights

Are Women Human?\xa0by Dorothy Sayers

Confessions\xa0by Augustine

Beatrix Potter Treasury

Wind in the Willows\xa0by Kenneth Grahame

Babe the Gallant Pig\xa0by Dick King-Smith

Brambly Hedge\xa0by Jill Barklem

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You can find Angelina and Thomas at\xa0HouseofHumaneLetters.com, on Instagram\xa0@angelinastanford,\xa0and on Facebook at\xa0www.facebook.com/ANGStanford/

Find Cindy at\xa0morningtimeformoms.com, on Instagram\xa0@cindyordoamoris\xa0and on Facebook at\xa0www.facebook.com/CindyRollinsWriter. Check out\xa0Cindy\u2019s own Patreon page\xa0also!

Follow\xa0The Literary Life\xa0on Instagram, and jump into our private Facebook group, The Literary Life Discussion Group, and let\u2019s get the book talk going!\xa0http://bit.ly/literarylifeFB