Knave 2e, Amazing Encounters and Quests, Emporium of Wonders, Game Tips Lazy RPG Talk Show

Published: May 8, 2023, 7:43 a.m.

D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of\nContents\n00:00 Show Start\n01:17 Kickstarter Spotlight: Knave 2.0\n08:02 Kickstarter Spotlight: Amazing Encounters and Quests\n10:35 Kickstarter Spotlight: Emporium of Wonders\n13:20 Commentary: Tips from the Midnight Temple\n36:13 Patreon Question: Organizing an big RPG Club and Community\n40:14 Patreon Question: Building Mythic Monsters\n44:53 Patreon Question: Action-Oriented Monsters in Forge of Foes?\n46:15 Patreon Question: Playing In Person after 30 Years Away\n49:24 Patreon Question: Lazy Gamemaster's Guide?\n52:27 Patreon Question: Does Curse of Strahd Take a Lot of Work to Fix? No\n55:34 Patreon Question: Needing to Take a Break?\n58:35 Patreon Question: Top Tips for New and Experienced GMs\nLinks\nSubscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter\nSupport Sly Flourish on Patreon\nBuy Sly Flourish Books:\nKnave v2 Kickstarter\nAmazing Encounters and Quests Kickstarter\nEmporium of Wonders Kickstarter\nFantastic Lairs Monstrous Appendix\nLazy DM's Toolkit\nGinny Di on Burnout\nTop Tips for Being a Great Gamemaster