Memberships & Subscriptions: What Model Is Right For Your Small Business? ft. Robbie Kellman Baxter

Published: May 28, 2024, 10 a.m.

b'Get your own .BIO domain name for a low price at Porkbun! go to\\n\\nPost your job for free at LinkedIn.Com/DIVINE\\xa0\\n\\nThis week, Morgan is joined by Robbie Kellman Baxter, expert on all things subscriptions and memberships, to uncover the secrets to mastering these business models. From her work with Netflix to the multiple books she\'s written on the subject, Robbie is bringing her wealth of experience and knowledge to The Journey Podcast.\\nThrough the episode, Robbie delves into the many factors business leaders must consider when determining whether to add a subscription or membership component to their offerings. She also breaks down the three possible elements of subscriptions: commerce, content, and community, and explains why delivering true value tailored to customers\' needs is necessary for success.\\nRobbie and Morgan discuss innovative membership ideas specifically for Afrotech, examining the desire of many members for exclusive access instead of discounts. Robbie sheds light on the strategic role of free offerings in a "freemium" model, clarifying the limited scenarios where providing something for free makes sense.\\nRobbie also addresses a common challenge many influencers face when creating content behind a paywall, explaining that not all content lends itself to a paid subscription. She shares strategies to intentionally design a subscription model that clearly communicates its value, ensuring subscribers remain engaged and loyal.\\nIf you\'ve been wanting to add or improve upon a subscription or membership offer in your business, this episode is a must-listen! Tune in to learn how to craft a subscription model that not only attracts customers but keeps them coming back for more, straight from one of the industry\'s leading experts. If you find the episode valuable, make sure to leave a five-star rating and review for the podcast wherever you listen!\\nMore from Robbie:\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nJoin the Newsletter for More Exclusive Content:\\nMake sure you are following Morgan\'s journey on TikTok:\\xa0\\nVisit\\\\xa0to make a purchase.\\nFollow us on Instagram:\\xa0\\nProduced by AosseyCreative.'