How Morgan is Embracing the AI Revolution (& How You Can Too!)

Published: Aug. 8, 2023, 10 a.m.

b"This week, Morgan is diving into the captivating world of Artificial Intelligence! Morgan's spilling the beans on how AI has quickly become a secret weapon to enhance every aspect of her life, not just as a CEO but also as an expectant mother.\\xa0AI isn't just a passing fad - it's here to stay and can improve our lives in extraordinary ways. So, why wait? Discover the magic of AI with tools like ChatGPT and WordTune, making your creativity soar to new heights. Plus, Canva AI will have you designing like a pro with zero hassle. Morgan's got you covered with her expert recommendations to unlock an easier and more efficient way to navigate through work and life with AI by your side.\\xa0Don't miss out on this game-changing episode on how you can adapt and thrive in today's ever-evolving tech landscape.\\xa0If you find the information shared valuable, Let us know by leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Your feedback means the world to us and helps spread the word about the Journey podcast and reach even more listeners, just like you!\\xa0For an opportunity to be featured on the show, call in to leave Morgan a question, or feedback on a previous episode at \\u202a(213) 935-0054\\u202c.\\xa0\\nApps in this Episode: ChatGPTWord TuneCanvaMotionvidyo.aiGrammarlyMidJourneyZapierIFTT\\xa0\\nPodcasts to Listen to About AI: The AI BreakdownThe Last Week in AI\\xa0\\nAdditional Resources: Subscribe to the podcast:\\xa0\\nFollow us on Instagram:\\nProduced by AosseyCreative"