Ep 28. Adwoa talks to Louisa Northcote about acne and its ability to take over our minds.

Published: Sept. 25, 2019, 5 a.m.


Spots, cysts, acne, bright-red-tomato-face with skin flaking off. Whatever your breakout, we know how much of a confidence-kill troubled skin can be. I have battles with my own skin, but I hide it quite well \\u2013 I say no to jobs, I don\\u2019t go to events, I wear a hoodie.


We\\u2019re so used to retreating to the shadows when our skin flares up. We apologise for it, feel judged because of it. But Louisa is making big steps in acne positivity with her amazing Instagram movement #freethepimple. She\\u2019s created an online community for people who get what it\\u2019s like to have acne and feel like everyone\\u2019s staring at your skin (which they really aren\\u2019t).


Louisa gives us a great pep talk about loving the skin we\\u2019re in. We talk about how acne affects our mental health and our dating life, how it\\u2019s a never-ending quest to find skincare products that work, and how we become masters of using makeup to cover our blemished skin.


We spend so much time obsessing over spots and feeling ugly because of them, but it\\u2019s time to change that. FREE THE PIMPLE!


Enjoy listening, and mad, mad love as always.


You can join the #freethepimple community on Instagram, follow Louisa @lounorthcote and follow us @gurlstalk
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