Grimerica #324 - Mike Hart, MD

Published: Jan. 6, 2019, 6:21 a.m.


Interview starts at 27:00
Mike Hart MD, joins us to chat about his cannabis clinic, nutrition, and wellness. We chat about organic diets, the importance of sleep, PTSD, addiction vs. harm reduction, learned fear, the importance of daily routine, and of course the benefits of cannabis consumption. How and when did Mike get into this and what is the state of Canada\\u2019s new laws? Interactions between pharmaceuticals, local farming, and various forms of CBD and THC are also discussed.
In this first intro in the new space, Michael from the Trufaux Sho joins us as we chat about diets and a listener synchro. Graham reads the UFO quote and Darren opens some listener art, books and donations from the PO Box. \\xa0 We ask for your help to keep this good thing going! Thank you so much and Happy New Year!\\xa0
See the links below for stuff we chatted about during the show and the intro:
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