#360 - Marhall Lefferts

Published: July 6, 2019, 4:10 a.m.


The interview starts at 42:15
Marshall Lefferts joins us for the release of his massive tome - Cosmometry - Exploring the HoloFractal Nature of the Cosmos. We chat about the Unified Physics Model of Nassim\\u2019s, the plank scale, the music scales, sacred geometry and how its all connected. We also get into Buckminster Fuller\\u2019s work and the vector equilibrium, the zero point field, electromagnetism, spiritual experiences and his own journey through the decades towards this moment.
Check out this amazing book and website below
In the intro we chat about an incredible dream Synchro (ripplestick) told at Contact at the Cabin, and we read some quotes about education from the Octopus of Global Control book. Graham does a brief geoengineering segment. And we talk about next years Contact at the Cabin.
See the links below for stuff we chatted about during the show and the intro:
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