#331 - David Getoff

Published: Feb. 23, 2019, 5:34 a.m.


Interview Starts at 52:50
David Getoff joins us to chat about "Abundant Health in a Toxic World\\u201d, the book he finally wrote. We also chat about his website, and the advice he gives people on how to detox, how to eat better and become healthy. His book includes recipe\\u2019s, and a 60-day plan as well.\\xa0
Among many other things David is also a\\xa0board-certified clinical nutritionist \\u2013 a board certified traditional Naturopath & A Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine. He\\u2019s\\xa0an elected member of both the American College of Nutrition and the International College of Integrative Medicine and he is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.\\xa0
We also chat about his top 7\\xa0supplements\\xa0- including magnesium, naturopathic dentistry, GMO\\u2019s, keto vs. vegan, cancer studies and food, sugar wheat and starch, energetic testing, essential oils, and much more.\\xa0
In the intro James, the handler joins us and we confront him about this old myth directly. Darren reads some social media feedback from the Guerrilla RN about vaccine damage, and Graham reads some new quotes from various books. Check out our new podcast - 13 questions, and please help donate to the show. Thank you for everything!
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