#255 - Vee Henry

Published: Nov. 29, 2017, 5:38 a.m.


Interview Starts 36:40
Vee Henry, health freedom activist and co-founder of truth talk joins us to talk about vaccines. We chat about laws that prevent pharmaceutical companies from being sued, her back story about why she has been doing this research. LIES (Liability, Ingredients, Education, and Saves Lives) is her acronym for this whole issue.\\xa0
We also get into glyphosate, attenuated viruses, the way of western medicine, vaccine injuries, reading the insert, and researching all of this for yourself.
In the intro we chat about the latest Black Budget Support Feed episode also about Vaccines, where Darren gets deeper into his research. We chat about sending a weather balloon up for the round/flat earthers, and Graham shares a listener synchronicity and chats about coin shrinking with high voltage.
See links below for stuff we talked about during the show and the intro:

\'Herd Immunity\': the misplaced driver of universal vaccination \\u2026\\xa0

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