The Haunted History of Invisible Women, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Published: Jan. 9, 2024, 11 a.m.


This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!
\\nArchetypes such as the Witch, the Bride, the Mother and Wife, the Jezebel, the Fallen Woman, the Fraud, the Maiden, and the Spinster serve as a form of mediumship to source the deeper meanings in their respective stories. The histories of these specters, which collectively contribute to a larger narrative about the shifting social roles of women in the United States, are vastly different in terms of their backgrounds, social classes, and other circumstances; however, there is one thing that binds them together: the ability to continue to arouse both fascination and fear long after they have passed away. Today, we hear Part One of our conversation about the haunted history of invisible women on The Grave Talks.
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