Haunted Summerwind Mansion | The Grave Talks Revisited

Published: March 25, 2020, 5 a.m.

There mere mention of the name Summerwind Mansion is instantly connected to the word haunted when discussed in the state of Wisconsin. The haunted Summerwind Mansion has a story spanning more than a century. Its story runs deep through many families, rumors of insanity, demonic activity, and ghosts. The haunted Summerwind Mansion is infamous no so much for who lived there, but for why many couldn't live there.

Many have been drawn to the property for unexplained reasons or forces. To date, almost all of its residents who attempted to occupy the fabled structured, have found themselves also compelled or forced to leave with just as much drive. Why does the haunted Summerwind Mansion have such powers? This is a question hundreds have been asking since it was built more than one hundred years ago.

Listen to part 2 of our interview at http://www.patreon.com/thegravetalks