Demon Infested Home, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Published: April 10, 2024, 10 a.m.


This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!
\\nWhen did the activity begin in the demonic house that had been passed down for generations?
\\nA family thought they were living the American Dream.\\xa0 A safe place to call home, kids, pets, and peace.\\xa0 Until the peace aspect was removed and something much more malevolent took its place. Diabolical voices whisper, \\u201cWe like your pain,\\u201d to the children, seeing hands coming out of the wall while walking through the halls at night.\\xa0 What caused an otherwise peaceful home to turn very dark amazingly fast?\\xa0 That is what we discuss today with Joe Campbell on The Grave Talks.
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