Chronicles of an American Exorcist, Part One | Grave Talks CLASSIC

Published: May 5, 2024, 10 a.m.


This is a Grave Talks CLASSIC EPISODE!
\\nSometimes nothing is more frightening than the truth.
\\nReverend Shawn Whittington is an ordained exorcist and Deliverance Minister. He has descended from a long line of Spiritual Warfare Specialists. He\\u2019s a Baptized Catholic and a Sensitive and Intuitive who has been seeing and communicating with spirits since he was a small child. He was introduced to his first paranormal case at the tender age of ten and has been an actual Ghostbuster ever since.
\\nHis new book, "God, Ghosts and the Paranormal Ministry 2: Chronicles of an American Exorcist," is available on Amazon. And you can also see him on Eli Roth Presents, The Legion of Exorcists on The Travel Channel. It\'s also available on Discovery and Max.
\\nGet more information at his website,
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