Cuomo Families Special Access; President Biden's First Press Conference; Megan Rapinoe Say's She's Been 'Devalued'; Ted Cruz Refuses To Wear A Mask When Speaking When Asked By Reporter

Published: March 25, 2021, 1:43 p.m.

b"Governor\\xa0Andrew Cuomo arranged for his family to get special treatment and access to Covid tests last year. President Biden is set to host his first Presidential press conference this afternoon. Megan Rapinoe spoke at the White House and talked about how 'devalued' she and her USA Women's Soccer teammates are. Ted Cruz handles a reporter asking him to wear a mask perfectly.\\xa0 Today's Episode Is Sponsored By:\\xa0 **Shea Concrete: For\\xa0the highest-quality precast concrete products go to\\ ** Savings for those who serve\\xa0 Listen & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts:\\ Follow Us on Facebook:\\xa0 Follow Us on Twitter:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"