My Definition of Being Great

Published: July 4, 2019, 9 a.m.


What\'s up everyone happy 4th of July. I\'ve been on vacation for a few weeks now so it\'s good to be back and hope to get some of you to check out\\xa0;). Today\'s episode is an exciting mash-up around my definition of greatness. There\'s a few rants in here, some throwback conversations with my good friend Lewis Howes and a meeting from last year with NBA player Nik Stauskas. Please tweet me @garyvee and say hello!!


:35 - Lewis Howes asks \\u201cwhat\\u2019s your definition of greatness\\u201d
3 - Greatness is a mindset
4:10 - Conversation about greatness between gary and NBA player Nik Stauskas\\xa0
8:20 - Lewis asks \\u201cwhat\\u2019s your definition of greatness\\u201d for the 2nd time
9:10 - Know who you are, own it, and greatness will follow