Fasting Success Stories: Sonja Seabon

Published: Oct. 11, 2022, 10 a.m.


Episode #48

In today\\u2019s episode, Megan and Nadia interview a very special guest, Sonja Seabon.\\xa0

Sonja was diagnosed with Diabetes in 2014, in part, because she self-medicated her work stress with \\u201cgummy bears\\u201d. Listen to how in 2017, her doctor sent her straight to the ER with an A1C of 15.5 and blood glucose of 400.

Find out:\\xa0

  • how her life has changed since she started fasting
  • about Sonja\\u2019s WHY\\xa0
  • the amazing weight loss and many, many NSVs (non-scale victories) Sonja has had
  • what maintenance looks like for Sonja\\xa0

Tune in to find out what Sonja did to achieve such success: what fasting schedules she followed, how her diet changed\\u2026and how she\\u2019s \\u201cmarried\\u201d to this way of life.\\xa0

Sonja loves the way she feels and looks, and this is the best she has felt in her life at 65 years young!\\xa0

Join Megan and Nadia and be inspired by Sonja\\u2019s story.

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