Homeschooling - You're Doing it Right with Ginny Yurich (Podcast 205)

Published: April 8, 2021, 8:49 p.m.

b"Today\\u2019s title may have gotten your attention and with good reason!\\nIt\\u2019s what every homeschooling mom longs to hear!\\xa0\\nI\\u2019m excited to have Ginny Yurich from 1000 Hours Outside with me as she shares her heart, bringing a message of encouragement and hope.\\nWe will be talking about 10 ways you are doing it right! (Hint: They are probably not what you are thinking!)\\nPodcasts mentioned in this episode:\\nThe Value of Getting Your Kids Outside\\nWhy Homeschooling Families Thrive\\nDurenda's new book: The Four Hour School Day\\nWays to connect with Ginny:\\\\\\\\n@1000hoursoutside on Instagram\\n\\xa0\\nBooks mentioned:\\nIsrael Wayne-Education: Does God Have an Opinion?\\nIsrael Wayne-Top Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask"