Moment 78 - World Leading Therapist: A Simple Habit That Will Change Your Life: Marisa Peer

Published: Oct. 7, 2022, 5 a.m.

b'In these \\u2018Moment\\u2019 episodes of my podcast, I\\u2019ll be selecting my favourite moments from previous episodes of The Diary Of A CEO. In this moment, Marisa Peer lays out a step by step guide for how to feel like you are enough. The foundation everything we do, every mistake we make, every bad habit we form, is our thoughts. Marisa charts a toxic cycle of self-negativity as \\u2018Thought, feeling, action, behaviour, thought.\\u2019 - it all comes back to thoughts. Change the thoughts, change the action. Change the action, change the behaviour. And so Marisa reveals the life-changing potential of flipping our negative thoughts on our head to say \\u2018I\\u2019m not this, because\\u2026\\u2019 Listen to the full episode here - Marisa: Watch the Episodes On Youtube -\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'