Gabor Mate: The Childhood Lie Thats Ruining All Of Our Lives

Published: Nov. 7, 2022, 6 a.m.

b'Gabor Mate is a multi-bestselling author and a world leading expert on trauma and how it effects us throughout our whole lives. A holocaust survivor and a first generation immigrant, Gabor\\u2019s knowledge and wisdom on the scars trauma leaves behind is deep and drawn from personal experience. \\nIn a conversation that unlocks the answers to people\\u2019s most burning questions about trauma, mental health, ADHD, and the hidden hardwire of our brain, Gabor brings us one step closer to really knowing ourselves and our inner urges. Gabor\\u2019s voice, both literally and in terms of what he has to say, is like a balm for anyone who\\u2019s mental health has ever caused them worries. Gabor has been through things few of us can ever imagine, and his insights are those few of us could ever have thought of before.\\n\\nGabor:\\nInstagram -\\nTwitter - \\n\\nFollow me:\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'