169: Somatic Experiencing and Couples with Abi Blakeslee

Published: April 15, 2022, 1:43 p.m.


Find out more about the Couples Therapist Inner Circle

In our society, it is modeled from a very young age to suppress our emotional experience. This is traumatic for children in particular and for humans in general.\\xa0

Somatic experiencing is a type of therapy which helps people to become more embodied and move into acceptance of the emotions they are experiencing.\\xa0

Dr. Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D., integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principles of attachment,\\xa0psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research\\xa0on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.

Find out more at abiblakeslee.com

For practicioners at traumahealing.org

Information on the relationship repair workshop

The Couples Therapist Couch is the podcast for Couples Therapists about the practice of couples therapy. The host, Shane Birkel, interviews an expert in the field of couples therapy each week.

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