Ep. 963, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Part 5 of 9, by Jules Verne

Published: Sept. 6, 2024, 6:30 a.m.

Will our band of adventurers find any life-giving water? \xa0Jules Verne, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.\xa0

Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening.\xa0

The Vintage Episode for the week is \u201cFeathertop\u201d, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Be sure to check it out on Tuesday.\xa0

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I am so excited to announce that I\u2019m currently recording the classic The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, by B. Traven. Traven was a German, who left Germany when things were getting dicey after World War 1. His character driven tale of greed is the inspiration of the classic film, directed by John Huston, starring Humphrey Bogart. If you\u2019re a fan of the film, you\u2019ve got to pick up the audiobook.\xa0

This week only, you can preorder the audiobook and save four dollars. A link can be found in the show notes, or you can go to classictalesaudiobooks.com and click the appropriate button.\xa0


And now, \u201cA Journey to the Center of the Earth\u201d, Part 5 of 9, by Jules Verne.\xa0\xa0

Follow this link to preorder The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, by B. Traven


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