Why are Mr. and Mrs. Brede telling so many lies? They seem like such nice people. Henry Cuyler Bunner, today on The Classic Tales Podcast.\xa0
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Henry Cuyler Bunner (1855-1896) Was an American journalist, novelist, and poet. His works were largely anthologized in the early 1900s, but he\u2019s mostly forgotten now. His short story about the comedic adventures of a circus elephant, Zenobia\u2019s Infidelity, was made into a film in 1939 starring Oliver Hardy.\xa0
This piece stuck out to me because there are some really nice moments of description, and the way characters can be described so concisely. It\u2019s also an interesting study of how humor has evolved over the years.\xa0
And now, The Nice People, by Henry Cuyler Bunner.
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