8.9.19 DOT rules for flight passengers with food allergies; Clark Stinks

Published: Aug. 9, 2019, 9 p.m.

b'Complaints against American Airlines have been filed for their refusal to accommodate passengers with nut or any food allergies. The DOT has determined American was putting people in harm\'s way. Now airlines are required to accommodate those with food allergies, which comprise 1.5% of the population. While other airlines have done away with nut snacks, American continues to serve them,\\xa0 allowing pre-boarding to wipe down seats for designated passengers. They need to take the next step and stop serving nuts. \\nChrista reads listener posts about how Clark has missed the mark in his advice this week. If you have a "Clark Stinks" to share you can leave it here.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'