3.4.20 Home renovations that pay off; Buying used clothing and furniture

Published: March 4, 2020, 10 p.m.

b'We\\u2019re moving into the home renovation season. The National Association of Realtors and\\xa0National Association of the Remodeling Industry | NARI\\xa0conduct value studies and have found that a homeowner will get back 50 cents on the dollar for a kitchen remodel. So a 10k kitchen redo will increase the value of your home $5900 at best. The return on adding a master bedroom suite also yields around half. What does pay? Hardwood flooring, HVAC updates and insulating come close to recovering costs. Clark\\u2019s simple rule: The reason you renovate or add on to a home is enjoyment. Don\\u2019t con yourself into thinking you\\u2019re investing for a positive return in cash.\\n\\nPeople are stretching their dollars by taking advantage of how much things depreciate from new to used, particularly in the area of high end women\\u2019s clothing. Nordstrom is now actively selling used clothes, joining Macy\\u2019s and others. Independents include\\xa0ThredUp, and\\xa0TheRealReal.\\xa0Used furniture\\xa0is another high depreciation category \\u2013 not so much for upholstered furniture. If relocating, check Freecycle and Craigslist for furniture.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'