2.28.20 Don't put your tax refund on a gift card; Clark Stinks

Published: Feb. 28, 2020, 10 p.m.

b'Recently Clark discussed how AT&T issues refunds on stored value cards. These cards are intentionally tricky to spend down \\u2013 disallowing partial payments by design to keep some of your money through \\u2018breakage\\u2019.\\xa0Several tax preparation services are now trying to sell customers on accepting their refunds on stored value cards or even Amazon gift cards. These cards have ridiculous junk fees \\u2013 monthly fees, per transaction fees etc. Putting a tax refund on any kind of spending card is a bad idea. The best use of a tax refund is to pay down debt or contribute to a Roth. Don\\u2019t fall for these pitches. They\\u2019re all about you spending, paying fees, and giving them the \\u2018breakage\\u2019 money left on the card that you end up forfeiting. It\\u2019s your money!\\xa0\\n\\nChrista reads listener posts about how Clark has missed the mark in his advice this week. If you have a "Clark Stinks" to share you can leave it here.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'