12.15.22 Holiday Tipping Guidance / New Energy Tax Credits

Published: Dec. 15, 2022, noon

b'This is the week for appreciating service providers with holiday tipping - more of an art than a science. Needed guidance found here.\\xa0Also, Clark has a prediction about new heat pump, solar and EV tax credits, and reasons you should take your time approaching these incentives.\\n\\nHoliday Tipping: Segment 1\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 2\\n\\nEnergy Tax Incentive Advice: Segment 3\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 4\\n\\n\\nMentioned on the show:\\n\\n\\nHoliday Tipping: Who To Tip and How Much\\xa0\\n\\nThe no-stress guide to holiday tipping\\n\\nHoliday Tipping Guide: Who to Tip (And How Much?)\\n\\nEvaluate Life Insurance - Consumer Federation of America\\n\\nLive TV Streaming Channel Tool\\n\\nSave More on Green Home Improvements Under the Inflation Reduction Act\\n\\nHeat Pumps vs Solar Panels: Which Give More Energy Savings?\\n\\n[The Washington Post] Federal probe finds big solar firms flouted trade rules\\n\\nThe #1 Thing Clark Howard Hates About Solar Panels\\n\\nCan Dual-Use Solar Panels Provide Power and Share Space With Crops?\\n\\n\\nClark.com resources\\n\\nEpisode transcripts\\n\\nClark.com daily money newsletter\\n\\n\\nConsumer Action Center Free Helpline: 636-492-5275\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices: megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'