10.7.19 Google gives you more control over your data; Veterans wrongfully denied coverage; ATM fees

Published: Oct. 7, 2019, 9 p.m.

b'Current privacy concerns have Google in the spotlight. Google lives in fear the U.S. will finally pass privacy laws outlining restrictions and consumer rights, as exists in Europe. The Right to be Forgotten and to control online info in Europe puts them way ahead of the U.S. in the privacy realm. Google\\u2019s preemptive strike is a newly launched activity suite tool allowing users to better control their info and have their tracking data wiped automatically.\\xa0 Sign into Google. Type in myactivitiy.google.com. There you\\u2019ll see everything Google has on you \\u2013 massive. Then you have the right to have them wipe out everything 90 days old and older. You can choose 90 days to 1.5 years to let Google retain your activity info until they delete it. \\nThe Inspector General is like the cop inside a federal agency there to expose wrongdoing and enforce the law. The\\xa0 VA Office of Inspector General found that 1 in 3 veterans who\\u2019ve sought emergency healthcare, are denied their medical claims by the VA, even when perfectly legitimate. Inexcusable and Unacceptable. The men and women who have served and put their lives on the line for American freedom deserve to have the promises made to them carried out.\\nThe average ATM charge in the U.S. is now $4.72. The cost to a bank is around .02cents. Beyond outrageous. Why do they do it? In the aftermath of the last decade\\u2019s banking scandals, the federal government bailed out the big banks and let small banks sit and spin. This led to a massive closure of smaller banks, and thus less competition. 4 big banks now have half of all banking market share. ATMs are disappearing around the country as people use less cash these days. Also, we now have an ever-expanding roster of online banks, offering lower costs and far better savings rates. The big banks pay essentially 0 on savings vs around 2% offered by online banks. And \\u2013 credit unions have filled the void left by small local banks going away. Credit Unions provide much better deals than banks.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'