10.17.19 Businesses want to use chat technology with you; Medical images leaked online; Happiest states in America

Published: Oct. 17, 2019, 9 p.m.

b"The U.S. has lagged behind in 'conversational commerce' enjoyed elsewhere in the world, where texting meets commerce for AI customer service.\\xa0We spend most of our online time now throughout smartphones. Unlike other countries, the U.S. lacks centralized\\xa0portals from which to operate in multiple ways, including shops, email, social and news. Now Apple is working to set up and integrated hub to drive the brand. For example, through the Apple platform - Apple Business Chat - and Delta's app, iPhone users have ease of communication for assistance from the airline. Emulating China's WeChat, Apple platform AI will allow better customer service response. Innovation like this can have very positive, unforeseen benefits for consumers. Facebook tried this kind of commercial integration, but a loss of trust is an obstacle there. The first best thing we'll see is perhaps the end of on-hold in-limbo no-customer service.\\xa0\\xa0\\nA ProPublica investigative report finds the health data of millions of Americans is completely exposed on the internet. They were able to find medical data on more than 16 million people online, including names, birthdays and where submitted, social security numbers. Security in the medical industry is pathetic. DO NOT FILL IN YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER at ANY medical facility.\\nA recent Wallethub study weighed 31 happiness factors to rate U.S. states. Above an income level of around $70, money ceases to be a happiness factor. Factors include work environment, emotional and physical well-being. Hawaii comes out tops overall, followed by UT, MN, CA, NJ, ID, MASS, MD, NB, CT.\\xa0Unhappiest: WVA, ARK, Alaska, MISS, LA, KY, AL, OK, TN, MO.\\xa0\\u200b\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"