07.01.22 Clark Answers His Critics on Clark Stinks / Employee Owners Stay Loyal

Published: July 1, 2022, 11 a.m.

b'Friday - Clark Stinks day! Christa shares Clark Stinks posts with Clark. Submit yours at Clark.com/ClarkStinks. Also, Clark talked about the changing landscape for workers yesterday. Today, for employers - the topic is creating loyalty in a workforce. Retaining motivated employees is a big problem for companies. Clark discusses how giving employees a stake in the game makes profitable sense, and ways businesses can accomplish that.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\n\\nClark Stinks: Segments 1 & 2\\n\\nEnlightened Employers: Segment 3\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 4\\n\\n\\nMentioned on the show:\\n\\nMint Mobile Introduces Modern Family Plans\\n\\nEmployee-Owned Publix Offers a Lesson for Other Supermarket Chains\\n\\n\\nWhat Are Good Resources for Starting or Growing a Small Business? - SCORE.org\\n\\n\\nARRIVED - empowering the world to build wealth through modern real estate investing.\\n\\n\\nClark.com resources\\n\\nEpisode transcripts\\n\\nClark.com daily money newsletter\\n\\n\\nConsumer Action Center Free Helpline: 636-492-5275\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices: megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'