06.02.22 Your Safety and Dietary Supplements / Car Market Update

Published: June 2, 2022, 7 p.m.

b'Dietary supplements, vitamins and herbal remedies are unregulated. Clark clarifies which labels to trust. Learn about labels that lie vs NSF &\\xa0USP\\xa0supplements. Also, Clark explains how the vehicle market is progressing, including good news on the used car front.\\xa0\\n\\nThe Safety of Supplements: Segment 1\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 2\\n\\nCar Market Update: Segment 3\\n\\nAsk Clark: Segment 4\\n\\n\\nMentioned on the show:\\n\\n\\nSupplement and Vitamin Certification | NSF\\xa0\\n\\nUSP Verification Services\\n\\nHow to Buy a Used Car in 7 Steps\\n\\nWhy Are My Credit Scores Different?\\n\\nHealth Insurance Guide\\n\\nFree COBRA Health Insurance: 3 Things To Know\\n\\n\\nClark.com resources\\n\\nEpisode transcripts\\n\\nClark.com daily money newsletter\\n\\n\\nConsumer Action Center Free Helpline: 636-492-5275\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices: megaphone.fm/adchoices\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'